Our Beginning

In 1946, a group of Dallas business and civic leaders assembled undefined at dinner, in the Petroleum Club then housed inside the Adolphus Hotel, presided over by Mayor Woodall Rodgers.

The group which included several future mayors, agreed to form an independent municipal research bureau to study city problems, come to solutions and present them to the public and officials for action; it was named The Greater Dallas Planning Council.

Headlines in 1947 announced: GDPC's 200 members serve as a valuable "non-political" clearinghouse for city plan information.

Progressive ideas offered by members on early issues are still included as part of GDPC's principal focus today: urban design and planning, transportation and water resources.

1949 was the first full year of GDPC's research bureau – it completed and provided the most comprehensive survey on budgeting, taxing, collection of taxes, issuing of bonds or warrants and the expending of monies within the county.

Over the ensuing years the GDPC has continued to attract high profile business leaders and experts within their respective industries to its membership.

In 1953, the GDPC predicted that water supply problems of Dallas and Park Cities were solved by the completion of Garza Little Elm, the last of the largest dams to serve the area.

Over 75 Years of Focus on Urban Design and Planning, Transportation and Water Resources.

An enduring issue, transportation, had initiatives in 1957 with the GDPC advocating the creation of a coordinated system of major traffic ways to serve the region. In 1964, the GDPC was urging land purchase for freeway right of ways for outer loops. Looking to the heavens, in 1966, GDPC pushed for council votes in support of a regional airport – Love Field.

Over the years, other issues joined the GDPC agenda, such as economic development, the environment, the inner city, regionalism and inner core suburbs.

The 1960's included, the GDPC pushing for adoption of the city's master plan; in 1965, the GDPC endorses a green belt concept for a chain of parks and parkway and that fall GDPC announced a new first of its kind of economic study of the whole Metroplex area. In 1970, when Dallas was the fifth fastest growing area in the nation, the GDPC working hand-in-hand with the Dallas Citizen's Council urged taking action to control new growth to prevent a disorganized community.

The past is but a prologue to the future and council members continue their long tradition today, as a legacy non-partisan organization providing leadership and assistance to insure comprehensive planning for growth. As its originators hoped, the Greater Dallas Planning Council remains committed to making Dallas one of the best and most livable cities in North Texas.